Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Pictures

In addition to receiving TA yesterday, we were thrilled to receive new pictures of Audrey!  I had asked our agency to ask the CCCWA for a new update and photos.  While we didn't get an update, we did get new pictures.  It appears our little girl is a girly girl and loves to have her hair pretty!

Image 5

She is still rocking the orphanage bowl cut ;-)  Love her cute little face though...oh my how her sisters will love her!! 

Image 4

Here she is getting into her Hello Kitty coloring center.  Oh yes, she's going to fit right in.  Ava and Amelia have similar toys that they love.

Image 3

Looks like we have another righty on our hands (no pun intended).  So the righty's will have the majority again! ;-)  

Can't believe we will be seeing this little girl in person in as short as 16 days!!!  Ahhhhh!!!! So much to do!  Please be praying for her sweet heart and mind to handle the huge changes coming her way!  And please pray we get our flights and travel arrangements worked out easily.  We have TA now, but my faith and trust are still being tested.  Although, that's a lesson I don't think will be over until I'm on the other side of heaven...


  1. So so sweet!! Will be praying for you both! So exciting!! Beth

  2. Praying your Audrey home!!!! I LOVED your post about waiting for your TA. We are finally PA, but the wait on that was excruciating as, like you, I was following too close that others with EA at the same time as us were getting their PA's a week in advance. Waiting is HARD!!!! I know, like you, this journey will continue to test us!!!


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