Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: Our Big News

I've been alluding over the last several months of some big news.  I thought the "big news" would be coming sooner than it has.  But finally we can tell you.  And it is twofold. 

The first "big news" isn't really that big.  And it's not that new.  For those of you reading this directly on my website, you've already seen the new blog design I have. If you're reading this on an rss feeder like google reader, you'll have to click on the post to go directly to my page to see it!  And for those who have a blog, help spread the word about "Our Piece of Paradise" by grabbing my button!  Or, you can 'follow' my blog by clicking on the button to the right of this post.

Okay, now on to the really big news.  The big news I'm most excited about!  Drumroll please...

We're adopting again!  Yes, the Lord has moved our hearts to adopt another little girl from China!   

We still have a mound of paperwork to generate.  Form after form, background checks, copies of copies, notaries, authentications, translations and a homestudy that still need to be created and completed.  Lord willing, it's my goal to be timely with the paperchase this time because this girl...


...and this girl...

...are over the moon with excitement at having another sister to join their gang of two...

...soon to be three...

And I don't want to keep them, or our future daughter, from waiting any longer because of my disdain for paperwork!  China, here we come!!

(Head over to Ni Hao Y'all for more Sunday Snapshots like ours!)

Ni Hao Yall
Blog Design by April Showers